7-6-2009While I was about to finish my report,
I found myself writing a rubbish.
I deleted everything I've written since yesterday.
Yesterday's hard work was a waste.
All my evidences were junks.
My time flew out for nothing.
My tiredness was just for a wild goose chase.
I've set a new topic and started again.
Such is life.
8-6-2009After hours of typing and researching,
my report was eventually done.
I must reward myself :-)
9-6-2009Had spent almost half day for searching journals.
I had no idea why did I find 17 journals to resolve
an ethical dilemma that I already have solution.
1. I'm addicted to researching.
2. I've become crazy.
By the way, my reward was a supper before sleep :D
10-6-2009My time was still flooded by assignment.
11-6-2009While I was having lunch in the stall behind my house,
I was thinking about skipping class, and
going to beach.