Thursday, April 30, 2009

09 Week 18 Extra - Taiping-Penang Trip

Lezheng's Report

Objective: To relax in other places other than KL

Hypothesis: If I left KL I would relax

Venues: 1) Ipoh 2) Taiping Lake Garden 3) Taiping Night Safari 4) Taiping Maxwell Hill 5) Penang Batu Ferringi 6) Penang Gurney Drive 7) Ampang Look Out Point

Materials: Avanza, Kellisa, bunches of luggages and bags (including the stuffs inside), and money

Subjects: KelVinn, Vivienne, YeeLing, ShingYee, CheeKhong, JengMun, Mia, MeiSan, HuiYi, PeiSun, Hazel (guest), kp (guest), HueyWen (guest), and KahHwei (guest)

Procedures: (I expected we have default knowledge, skip!)

Personal reflection:
Basically I have nothing much to say. The main theme of this trip was food... When I think back of this trip, what I can mostly recall are all foods! It was also a trip where we made a lot of fun and jokes to enjoy the sem break and the nice views of Malaysia. I accidently focused more on taking pictures during the trip (sorry guys if I sometimes had negleted you) and I found that I still need more practices to take good pictures. Here are the views that I think quite nice, they were what I saw during the trip.

Taiping Lake Garden - I felt peace while seeing this view
Maxwell Hill - I think the trees were quite nice-looking when matched with the sky
Batu Ferringgi beach - I like the clouds' reflection

Conclusion: I'm not sure whether the hypothesis was supported, but the objective was achieved :)

Lastly, for you

Friday, April 24, 2009

09 Week 18 - Sem Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!

Right after the last paper, when we were talking about where to have our lunch, suddenly a voice said "Genting Highland". One hour later, we reached there and still wondered whether we were dreaming. This was the most spontaneous action we had taken so far! While I was doing the exam I never expected the next hour I would be in Genting Highland. We might be driven crazy by Dr. Anasu... (Then she might argue: according to Choice Theory, you were there because it was your personal choice, it had nothing to do with me)

The next less spontaneous one was a walk on Broga Hill. Friday 5.30am, we (JengMun, MeiSan, LaiYing, WaiYing, kp, and I) met in Jalan Sg. Chua then we headed to Broga. The road was very dark. When we arrived the entrance most of us totally did not dare to go inside, we also doubted whether the entrance was the right entrance (there were few paths beside the entrance as well), thus we went on to the small village to ask people. An uncle confirmed the entrance and said that if we wanted to see the sunrise, we didn't have to start hiking that early (that time was about 6.20am), so we decided to have a breakfast there.

We began our adventure at about 7am and we spent 45 minutes to reach the top side. We were fortunate enough to watch the sunrise. Nice view, I saw the hope was rising in front of me. It was warm. Generally speaking, Broga Hill is quite easy compared to Bukit Gasing, furthermore its view is breathtaking (we took a lot of pictures, about 400... haha), I absolutely prefer Broga Hill over Bukit Gasing. Yes we knew its difficulty level is just for beginner, we nevertheless still felt satisfied and happy to "conquer" it ;-)

Last but not least, here is the picture of 5 "healthy students"
My sem break has begun! Yea!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


昨晚看《101高峰会》,访问的是我很欣赏的导演蔡岳勋。他导的《白色巨塔》很不错看,而且《白色巨塔》也是我少数会从头追到完的一部台湾剧。我想其中很大的一个原因是这部剧没有被改编成一部闹剧吧,而且整部剧很有主题性。我看完的时候虽然说不出是什么主题(曾经想过会不会是“放手”),只觉得有global coherence,经访问中蔡导说出主题是“珍惜”才哦一下,想起一些让我感动的片断。《白色巨塔》的结局虽然有遗憾(哎我蛮希望苏怡华能够和关欣在一起的),但比起原著已经丰富和完整许多了。我是从看完结局才欣赏蔡导的能力。



Friday, April 17, 2009

09 Week 17 - I'm Stupid, Cutely :P

I couldn't start my car.

Oh no... this was my first time to face this problem, and sadly the first solution in my head was one of the things that I was not willing to do in my life - call people to recharge the battery for my car. It seems humiliating.

But the battery signal was fine, that indicated my car still got battery. Then what happened?

Despite my car problem, I was ruminating another issue: my ticket had been paid, if I couldn't get out of the parking lot on time what should I do?

When I described the car's condition to my dad, he said the car must have run out of battery, so he would come to me immediately. I could imagine if he reached he would definitely keep nagging me "Why didn't you check the battery regulary? You always don't care about your car, even don't wash your car..." (I couldn't bear with the lecture already by simply imaging about it)

After the conversation with my dad was finished, I saw a security guard and I came to him to ask about the ticket problem. I didn't know why after he heard about my car problem he kept emphasizing "level 2 got a station to recharge your car" while I told him over and over again "my car can't move". I didn't care about the level 2's station, what I needed to know was what should I do with the going-to-be-expired ticket! (Now when I think back, maybe I should use Malay but unfortunately I'm a subtractive bilingual speaker... perhaps no use as well, never mind)

Suddenly my dad's call interrupted the horrible conversation, "check you gear," he said. Ohhhhh... while I ran back to my car and found out it was on "N", I was speechless. What a stupid careless mistake! But I think it was cute ;-)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

09 Week 16 - Recently I've Spent Too Much

Yeah, recently I've spent too much. The good thing is I'm aware of it. So, to congratulate myself I think I should have a decent dinner... (looking at my dad... kekeke)

People told me I have good time management. I don't know, perhaps I'm just too free. No extra curriculum, no time-consuming hobbies, no gym no exercise no shopping no housework... Surely I have more time than you all. Therefore in last 2 weeks I decided hanging out with friends after class (more frequent than I was used to) instead of staying home, and guess what? I really enjoyed the time, but the price was the shrink of my wallet :'(

I can't deny the happiness of spending money, however I also can't deny the fact that if I keep spending in this pattern, I might not afford a trip with my friends after final! Thus... Okay, here I declare that I'll not go out with friends in the next 2 weeks!

After the final... Please ask me out, please, please. Cheers for the joy of spending money!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

09 Week 15 Extra - 想来我也这样犯吧



Friday, April 3, 2009

09 Week 15 - 种种种种

B.Psych的选举, I Hate Their Persona
我想我对于high profile的人倾向于没有好感。当然也不是凡是high profile就反感。不过在election这件事情上,being high profile绝对不是个让我投选的因素。我比较喜欢内敛的态度。如果A很信誓旦旦地说会为大家做这个做那个,而B并没有很高调地承诺过什么,以常理来说当然要投A。可是我是那种相信内敛的人比较会实事求是的人。投A,有两个结果。一个就是他真的做到了,二是他做不到,大家失望。投B,也有两个结果。一就是他果然什么都没做,二是他突然为大家做了意料之外的事情。所以,当A在讲堂里放出他的宣传片的那一刻,我就知道他不是我想投的人。我投的是最low profile的人。

忙碌的一个星期 ,Enjoy The Process
因为Research Colloquium(也是assignment),我和Hui Yi合作做一个有关pattern recognition的display。不知道为什么我们做的东西在别人眼中看起来似乎很简单,可是我们做的时候却花了很多时间。例如说折纸天鹅。就是折很多个三角形的纸然后啪嗒啪嗒地把它们组合成一个天鹅的那种折纸。我知道做法很简单,但很考耐性。所以做完后虽然感觉上不是很美,也就算了。另外一个是做蔬果篮,是有人的样子的蔬果篮。听起来很简单吧?我和Hui Yi拿着蔬菜摆来摆去的时候其他人也这么说(我们……可以说是受尽奚落的……摆好了别人看不出是脸,又摆过,摆好了又再让其他人看,其他人说看不出,我们又摆过……)。虽然简单,但我们还是花了好几个钟头才做好。整个assignment的过程确实很忙,却又很有趣,所以觉得那样做也很好玩咯。

简单的迷思,Is Simplicity Really The Best?
承上一段,当我和Hui Yi正做着我们那看起来超级简单的display的时候,其他组的人也在身边忙着他们的display。他们的东西很厉害呢,有漂亮又可爱的图画,又有粘土模型,要花很多心机来做的。就是那种一看就会知道:嗯,这个东西要做出来一定要花时间和心机。比起他们的,我和Hui Yi的display就真的会逊色很多。可是……简单不是好吗?本来打算在这里发牢骚一下的,不过后来display的分数出了,证明其实简单和复杂其实可以是一样好。所以我以后依然支持简单的做法。(我写的lab report也被说简单,看看可以拿到多少分吧,如果和复杂的相差不远……我以后也就只简简单单地写就好了,不要被复杂的东西迷惑)

Colloquium Day
有史以来,我第一次从开始听research听到结束。我chaired了总共10个presentations。而且因为是当chairperson的关系,我还要准备问题发问,很乞人憎。因为现场很少人问问题,而judge也几乎无话可说,我就被逼要问问题了。也许大家都不知道chairperson是不能够提早让大家离开吧?原来chairperson问问题的其中一个原因是要拖延时间。(尽管我问了很多问题,到最后我还是比预定时间早放人。没办法,short presentation加上feedback从缺,我也不可能钉死我的juniors又没有什么深仇大恨)

By the way……Shwu Mey说我chaired的时候看起来很smart :)

后记:我终于知道Ms Winnee的工作有多痛苦了。我一天听10个presentations已经觉得很折磨很累了,她之前还要听完她所有学生的presentations才让他们上Colloquium,比我更厉害。我们真的很应该要appreciate我们的lecturers,我们在说自己辛苦的同时,他们其实很可能比我们更辛苦多多倍。大学真的是师生互相折磨的一个场所。