The next less spontaneous one was a walk on Broga Hill. Friday 5.30am, we (JengMun, MeiSan, LaiYing, WaiYing, kp, and I) met in Jalan Sg. Chua then we headed to Broga. The road was very dark. When we arrived the entrance most of us totally did not dare to go inside, we also doubted whether the entrance was the right entrance (there were few paths beside the entrance as well), thus we went on to the small village to ask people. An uncle confirmed the entrance and said that if we wanted to see the sunrise, we didn't have to start hiking that early (that time was about 6.20am), so we decided to have a breakfast there.
We began our adventure at about 7am and we spent 45 minutes to reach the top side. We were fortunate enough to watch the sunrise. Nice view, I saw the hope was rising in front of me. It was warm. Generally speaking, Broga Hill is quite easy compared to Bukit Gasing, furthermore its view is breathtaking (we took a lot of pictures, about 400... haha), I absolutely prefer Broga Hill over Bukit Gasing. Yes we knew its difficulty level is just for beginner, we nevertheless still felt satisfied and happy to "conquer" it ;-)
Last but not least, here is the picture of 5 "healthy students"
undeniable... very healthy....
then, i wonder.... y everytime our geng only go eat and drink de wo? =.=
i have no idea but never mind, each group has its pattern of interaction and activity
"we (JengMun, MeiSan, LaiYing, WaiYing, and I) met in Jalan Sg. Chua then we headed..."
I also realized this..poor kp...
But be happy la, ck aready merged himself to you and strting to use I to represent you (kp) with him (ck) already... CHEERS!!!!
oh my god, i can't believe i made this silly mistake!
Why i was not in both activities??
it's a careless mistake, just that.
I'm quite sure we will go there again. =)
very good day with nice blue sky
got any else potrait? :D
mia, yeah totally agree with kp, i want to take more nice pictures
kp, added your name liao :)
bingwa, we took 400+ pictures, there's no way i can show you all hehe unless you come to my place
1.Ck, the more you do english, the more you sound like ms winnee
2. ck and kp memang 2 sweet hunks what.
3. let's go again before the sem starts. OKAY? i miss Broga
4. See u guys next monday. LOL
winnee uses decent english la... don't miss her too much, i'm chee khong, jeng mun! wake up!
thank godness, a word starts with G is not there. =p
Very good~
Actually im with my housemate got excited plan during EXAM WEEK...
purposely go somewhere else to relax...and for me...even havent finish my tommorrow exam...
wakaka...hope the result for this paper is not so bad...
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