Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
09 Week 9 - I'm Not Romantic?
话说回来,我们怎么define romantic呢?根据我手上的Longman dictionary,romantic的其中一个意思是showing feeling of love。这非常subjective吧。如果我做一件事情,我认为那是我表达感情的一个方法,然而另一方觉得没什么大不了,那么浪不浪漫是由谁来说呢?很难以objective的角度来判断呀。去山顶看星星浪不浪漫呢?每天送礼物浪不浪漫呢?难说。我觉得奢侈罢了。或许看的不应该是表面的behavior,应该看的是心意。
话说回来,我们怎么define romantic呢?根据我手上的Longman dictionary,romantic的其中一个意思是showing feeling of love。这非常subjective吧。如果我做一件事情,我认为那是我表达感情的一个方法,然而另一方觉得没什么大不了,那么浪不浪漫是由谁来说呢?很难以objective的角度来判断呀。去山顶看星星浪不浪漫呢?每天送礼物浪不浪漫呢?难说。我觉得奢侈罢了。或许看的不应该是表面的behavior,应该看的是心意。
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

我觉得Mew的话可以概括整个故事的主要讯息:“小时候,寂寞是因为没有朋友;长大了,寂寞就是比没有朋友更寂寞。我有时在想,如果真的很爱一个人,我们能接受这种事么?如果有一天,他死了,离别这种事 是生命中的一个部分。我们都知道,我们真的能释怀吗?我们真的爱一个人,不害怕他离我而去吗?还有就是,我们必须接受,无论我们在哪里,所爱的人不在身边 了;这样吧,就是寂寞。为什么我们的世界会是这样,不知剩下的日子怎么过。”
Friday, February 13, 2009
09 Week 8 - Thinking about Thinking
Six Thinking Hats (de Bono, 2000)
先介绍这一本书,最近正在本地的书局上架。怎么2000年的书会到了现在才上架呢?我也不知道。不过这本书的初版是1985年呢,能够在2000年再版也不简单。书本介绍的是类似holistic thinking model的东西。大致上是说如果想要思考一件事情,可以从不同的aspect去思考:事实、情绪、坏处、好处、创意和策划。这算是既全面又简单的一个thinking guide,详细的部分我就不多说了,有兴趣的话可以找来看。我看完后其实不算是学到很多东西啦,因为里面大部分的内容我不经不觉都在大学学会了。多得Dr. Ng、Dr. Lukman、Dr. Reyes和Ms. Winnee等等好的导师,让我学到不少有关思考的角度和方向。大学生就应该要有独立思考的这个基本能力吧?
书本里面让我比较意外的是,“lateral thinking”这个term的原作者竟然是de Bono。这个人很不简单,他的书大部分都关于thinking的,我想他其他的书大概会有东西让我学习吧。图书馆里有他的旧作喔……最后我认为我最好要cite这本书,因为该书名已经被申请为专利,copyright了!
Reference: de Bono, E. (2000). Six thinking hats. Great Britain: Penguin Books
大家都听过Descrates的“I think, therefore I exist”这句话吧?我认同这句话,但我所解读这句话的意思跟Descrates比较不一样。我的point是,如果我不能思考,那么我现在所有的想法都只是别人的想法,不是因为我去思考而得来的结果。如果我的想法和思想都只是别人的东西,那么我也只不过是别人而已呀。例如说,我讨厌这个杯子只是因为很多人都讨厌而已,那我本身到底喜不喜欢呢?我为什么讨厌呢?纯粹不经过思考而盲目跟从别人的思想,那么我,还是我吗?跟别人的复制有什么大差别呢?我在哪里?我存在吗?当然physically,我存在,只不过真正的核心在不在呢?我在class做presentation的时候就是谈这个,在这里我的感觉跟做presentation时很类似:我不确定大家明不明白我在说什么。我的main point是:只有独立思考,人才不会失去自己,那样子人才能确确实实地存在。不要盲目,不然可能会把自己弄丢。

书本里面让我比较意外的是,“lateral thinking”这个term的原作者竟然是de Bono。这个人很不简单,他的书大部分都关于thinking的,我想他其他的书大概会有东西让我学习吧。图书馆里有他的旧作喔……最后我认为我最好要cite这本书,因为该书名已经被申请为专利,copyright了!
Reference: de Bono, E. (2000). Six thinking hats. Great Britain: Penguin Books
大家都听过Descrates的“I think, therefore I exist”这句话吧?我认同这句话,但我所解读这句话的意思跟Descrates比较不一样。我的point是,如果我不能思考,那么我现在所有的想法都只是别人的想法,不是因为我去思考而得来的结果。如果我的想法和思想都只是别人的东西,那么我也只不过是别人而已呀。例如说,我讨厌这个杯子只是因为很多人都讨厌而已,那我本身到底喜不喜欢呢?我为什么讨厌呢?纯粹不经过思考而盲目跟从别人的思想,那么我,还是我吗?跟别人的复制有什么大差别呢?我在哪里?我存在吗?当然physically,我存在,只不过真正的核心在不在呢?我在class做presentation的时候就是谈这个,在这里我的感觉跟做presentation时很类似:我不确定大家明不明白我在说什么。我的main point是:只有独立思考,人才不会失去自己,那样子人才能确确实实地存在。不要盲目,不然可能会把自己弄丢。
Thursday, February 12, 2009

另一方面,连环杀人凶手Gordon(这个人的家庭背景非常惊人和可怕,可惜不是电影的重点)被捕。据举报他的帮凶Sanford说Gordon在他的农场里杀害了约20个小孩子,其中有可能包括Walter在内。Christine的“冒牌儿子”论因此有了凭据而被释放出来。契而不舍的她为了要继续寻找儿子而向警方作出了反击,在一向批判警方腐败的牧师Reverend Briegleb的帮助下把案件带到了法庭上……
整出戏的重点是Christine如何为了要找儿子(好啦,可以说是发仔瘟)而不畏强权,挑战了当时男尊女卑时代的社会系统,从而揭发出当时警方腐败黑暗的一面。母爱非常伟大和可敬吧。因为是真人真事的关系,整个故事给我的震撼算是蛮大的。尤其是专制的legal system和其底下无辜的受害者,令我印象非常深刻和觉得厌恶。这大概是对某些国家地区的legal system的一个巴掌吧。权力是一把刀,落在不适当的人的手中就变得非常可怕。我们都知道目前很多刀子都被不适当的人握住。这没得问为什么,只有接受和选择如何应对罢了。
这出戏在Dr. Anasuya的眼中是很depressive的一部作品。我看完后觉得对我来说不是depressive。或许是因为我看戏时把重点都放在legal system上。因为不想泄漏太多后面的故事,所以我不说结尾的感想了。总之,我认为结尾非常好。是非常值得一看的好戏喔。
Monday, February 9, 2009
Your Behavior May Reflect Your Socioeconomic Status (SES)?
There is an interesting research conducted by Kraus and Keltner (2009) proposes that people who come from higher SES family are very likely to show disengagement behavior while who are from lower SES family tend to show engagement cues while talking to strangers. Below is the abstract of the research:
Socioeconomic status (SES) is a primary determinant of health vulnerabilities and social affiliations. To ascertain if SES is signaled in brief patterns of nonverbal behavior, we had participants of varying SES backgrounds engage in a brief interaction with a stranger. Videos of 60-s slices of these interactions were coded for nonverbal cues of disengagement and engagement, and estimates of participants' SES were provided by naive observers who viewed these videos. As predicted by analyses of resource dependence and power, upper-SES participants displayed more disengagement cues (e.g., doodling) and fewer engagement cues (e.g., head nods, laughs) than did lower-SES participants. Results were also consistent with the thin-slicing literature, in that observers' estimates of SES were reliable with each other and accurately predicted targets' family income, maternal education, and subjective SES. Finally, nonverbal displays of disengagement and engagement predicted observers' estimates of SES, which suggests that these cues are systematic signs of SES. These results have implications for understanding the effect of SES on social interactions and patterns of disengagement and engagement in other realms.
Their theoretical background is that higher SES people would be less likely to be dependent on the others because they already have more resources than the lower SES people. This theory sounds like people being engaged with the others is just to serve their survival purpose, seems something like evolutionary theory. I do agree that sometimes people being engaged in a conversation because they want to get something from their target, however it does not mean that this could be generalized to everyone and every social setting. Can't I talk to people attentively simply because I am interested in the people? Can't I being sociable or aggreable due to my personality (of course, "I" definitely does not mean Chee Khong)? Thus I think it would be better if this research could include the other variables such as personality, emotion, and intention of the participants.
Kraus, M. W. & Keltner, D. (2009). Signs of Socioeconomic Status: A Thin-Slicing Approach. Psychological Science, 20, 99-106.
Socioeconomic status (SES) is a primary determinant of health vulnerabilities and social affiliations. To ascertain if SES is signaled in brief patterns of nonverbal behavior, we had participants of varying SES backgrounds engage in a brief interaction with a stranger. Videos of 60-s slices of these interactions were coded for nonverbal cues of disengagement and engagement, and estimates of participants' SES were provided by naive observers who viewed these videos. As predicted by analyses of resource dependence and power, upper-SES participants displayed more disengagement cues (e.g., doodling) and fewer engagement cues (e.g., head nods, laughs) than did lower-SES participants. Results were also consistent with the thin-slicing literature, in that observers' estimates of SES were reliable with each other and accurately predicted targets' family income, maternal education, and subjective SES. Finally, nonverbal displays of disengagement and engagement predicted observers' estimates of SES, which suggests that these cues are systematic signs of SES. These results have implications for understanding the effect of SES on social interactions and patterns of disengagement and engagement in other realms.
Their theoretical background is that higher SES people would be less likely to be dependent on the others because they already have more resources than the lower SES people. This theory sounds like people being engaged with the others is just to serve their survival purpose, seems something like evolutionary theory. I do agree that sometimes people being engaged in a conversation because they want to get something from their target, however it does not mean that this could be generalized to everyone and every social setting. Can't I talk to people attentively simply because I am interested in the people? Can't I being sociable or aggreable due to my personality (of course, "I" definitely does not mean Chee Khong)? Thus I think it would be better if this research could include the other variables such as personality, emotion, and intention of the participants.
Kraus, M. W. & Keltner, D. (2009). Signs of Socioeconomic Status: A Thin-Slicing Approach. Psychological Science, 20, 99-106.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
09 Week 7 - Can You Taste the Sweetness from the Air?
如果不是海强在车里面提起,我还不知觉,情人节就是接下来的星期六呀。对我来说这个节日还没有任何意义,不过整个气氛很sweet就真的。去年我在那一天skipped Adolescence class,和Kai Zhi还有Michelle一起去看Lives of the Others。看完整出戏的感动,记忆犹新。我们三个接着在The Curve用餐,那里的气氛不错,我们旁边的桌子都是一对对的情侣,我们三人行看起来有点突兀罢了。
不知道大家有没有听说过Singles Awareness Day (SAD)?是为了照顾没得庆祝情人节的单身人士而设的节日喔。单看名字也替它觉得悲哀,还缩写SAD,能不sad吗?嘿为什么好像搞到单身很可怜那样呀?
有没有试过晚餐吃不饱?我星期六的晚上不知道为什么非常肚饿。吃了晚餐还是觉得很饿。好饿噢,为什么会有这样的感觉呢?为什么那一天会特别饿呢?于是晚饭后我就让妹妹载我去Sri Petaling买东西吃。我们先去Secret Recipe买了蛋糕,然后再去棠记。那时候棠记的蛋挞已经卖完了,没关系,我买cream puff和pandan cake。回程经过McD,我想起我在Mid Valley进戏院前吃的Sundae Cone,然后叫我妹妹放我下车进去买Sundae Cone。在车子里,我的脚旁都是食物。我舔着vanilla雪糕,觉得非常幸福。花钱的感觉也很开心,这些食物买的时候很开心,吃的时候很幸福,感觉好好喔。回到家后就那样大吃大喝。原来棠记不止做蛋挞好吃,连cream puff和pandan cake都能做得不错。那cream puff里面的cream又香滑又冷冷的,吃下去非常有满足感喔。希望不是因为肚子饿才觉得好吃吧。
不知道大家有没有听说过Singles Awareness Day (SAD)?是为了照顾没得庆祝情人节的单身人士而设的节日喔。单看名字也替它觉得悲哀,还缩写SAD,能不sad吗?嘿为什么好像搞到单身很可怜那样呀?
有没有试过晚餐吃不饱?我星期六的晚上不知道为什么非常肚饿。吃了晚餐还是觉得很饿。好饿噢,为什么会有这样的感觉呢?为什么那一天会特别饿呢?于是晚饭后我就让妹妹载我去Sri Petaling买东西吃。我们先去Secret Recipe买了蛋糕,然后再去棠记。那时候棠记的蛋挞已经卖完了,没关系,我买cream puff和pandan cake。回程经过McD,我想起我在Mid Valley进戏院前吃的Sundae Cone,然后叫我妹妹放我下车进去买Sundae Cone。在车子里,我的脚旁都是食物。我舔着vanilla雪糕,觉得非常幸福。花钱的感觉也很开心,这些食物买的时候很开心,吃的时候很幸福,感觉好好喔。回到家后就那样大吃大喝。原来棠记不止做蛋挞好吃,连cream puff和pandan cake都能做得不错。那cream puff里面的cream又香滑又冷冷的,吃下去非常有满足感喔。希望不是因为肚子饿才觉得好吃吧。
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