Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Maslow's Lesson

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
There are five needs of human. First, the basic needs: food (Kel Vinn is eating eagerly), water (Amy is drinking), sex (Catherine is watching Sex and the City), and air (I am breathing deeeply in front of the sea). Sometimes we even do not realize it, we cannot survive without them, until we crave for them... until we are barely breathing.

Second, security. We always find our own place in this world, even though sometimes it does not have any (someone is moving out from home, but ends up sleeping on the street). Home is always the best shelter, some people may not learn that yet (someone is keep running from home)... some are too late to learn.

Third, belongingness. People are born to have relationships. No matter they are simple or complicated, no matter he or she is an island or a flower who always plays around with the bees and butterflies, people use various way to build relationship, any method. Approching the target gradually like the fox, flirting around regardless the gender of the target, declaring that the target is attractive... despite how fool the strategy is. The main force is just a pity desire to get closer to the target.

The pitier one is the sense of lost. Confused about the real feeling towards people around him or her. Who does he or she really want to get closer? When the pirate ship rises and reaches the threshold, he or she is still thinking whose name is supposed to be shouted out when he or she falls. At the end of the day, he or she is still "single, but not available". The horses in his or her heart is running for too much of people. You know, there is not much space in a single heart ;)

The forth and fifth needs? Come on, you know I am just looking for a way to talk about relationship.

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