Monday, May 5, 2008

08 Week 19 - Charging Battery


我已经长大一岁了,渐渐发现到其实所谓的大人也不过如此。我小时候认为一定要听大人的话才不会做错事,到了现在我看到的是,其实大人也会做错事,也会是一个不好的role model。大人的话不一定是对的,对还是错还是要靠自己判断,use critical thinking。


我要说的是,有个人做榜样不是不好,只不过万一那位role model有什么不好,难免会失望。我想,还是要靠自己来摸索到底什么才是好,什么才是不好。自己走自己的路吧。


kp said...

小bumblebee的姿势很像你,一样酱hiao.. =p

lezheng said...

因为近墨者黑嘛 rf

lezheng said...

去年跟y-teng,瓦兄和馒头游Putrajaya Botanical Garden,今天和kp,Kel Vinn和Vivienne去骑脚踏车。那里的草地没那么好看了。

我们一早去Sri Petaling吃了海鲜粥后就直接去Putrajaya。依然伤脑筋的是我不认Putrajaya的路,还是要依赖路牌才能抵达,看来以后有时间应该去兜一下认路。情景很像在去年car trip那样,我们四人在车子里找路。


所以我很谢谢kp约了我出来,让我什么都不用想地,简简单单地过了一个早上。随后我们去Alamanda用餐,在A&W吃,基本上并不是很好吃,我想大概以后也很难把它放在第一选择了,非常遗憾。Alamanda有了GSC,我想以后如果新戏上映如果怕人多大概可以考虑去那里,应该不会多人吧。不知道那里的Baskin Robbin 31号会不会也是人挤人?


lezheng said...

Friday is a long day. I was a volunteer of the Rock Up 08 and my role was a security crew... Hey hey hey not only you, I was surprised as well, and I had no idea how come.

It was a fund raising program which aimed to raise RM40,000 for Agathians Shelter, the one I did community service there. That was why I wished I could contribute something. I really hope the children can get better environment when they are growing up.

Basically my job was just standing there and taking care of my area, just in case the donation box was robbed (so I could chase the thief with my long legs? Actually I am not a speed runner) or people tried to get on the stage. It was a really boring job, indeed. Fortunately it worthed, because...

1. There was a celebrities fashion show! I saw Amber Chia and she smiled at me! (ok lah, I was behind a photographer...) She really has a good looking face, and her skin whoa seemed like a silk... and hor... Deborah didn't wear bra...

2. Furniture and Frequency Cannon were performing! Actually I didn't know about these two bands, but I did enjoy their performance. By the way, Frequency Cannon rocks!!

3. This event had successfully raised RM43,000 for Agathians Shelter! I was so glad for the children, and what a surprise, the children still remember my name (and I was so sorry that I couldn't even remember one of their name... what a shame)

So I had been standing for 8 hours there... It was tiring however really, it was meaningful!