Friday, November 27, 2009

09 Week 49 - Untitled

Actually I have no idea what to write now. But I do have something to write. Perhaps it is more accurate to say I have no clear theme for this post. This is just a random post.

I got an interesting comment from my group member in Group Process class. There was an activity in my last class in which each of us was asked to write down our comment for our group members and friends. This was how I got this comment: "You are wonderful because you seem like an unique, intelligent, and sociable person." Thank you very much. However, sociable? In fact, I did not intend to seem like sociable. This is not part of my self-concept.

Over these years, I am aware that I have developed my own world view. I do see things in simple and straight way. When I was introduced about Occam's razor, I knew it would be my favorite principle in life. Simple is just beautiful. I realized that some people might not be satisfied by Occam's razor. They prefer something more complicated, they prefer to say "this is not as simple as you think" and/or "you'd never understand this," alright. I am not asking them to stand at my side anyway. I am just telling you how I see things. Things are basically neutral, it just depends on how you perceive it. If you do not accept my perspective, live with yours and continue enjoying your life. I am not affected, afterall. I respect our difference.

By the way, I can't see there's something in which they can understand but I can't. I believe in my intelligence and thinking skills. I should make myself clear here, if anyone tells me "this is not as simple as you think", "you'd never understand this", or other similar lines, this person is insulting my intelligence. Three possibilities lie here:
1) His/her god-blessed thinking ability has mentally complicated the situation until he/she really thinks it seriously takes an genius to understand the issue; 
2) He/she thinks my intelligence and maturity are not as good as his/her; or 
3) The person just does not want to talk anymore.
I do not really care which one is the truth. I just wish that when people feel like hard to continue the conversation, they can just be silent (I am totally okay with that) or simply say "I would like to stop here." Keep the defense mechanism to the others (if they did not intend to make joke). I of course prefer to hear more about the story, if they would like to talk more about it.

My college friends said I am a nonchalant person who lack of empathy. I actually consider this as compliment because this somehow makes my mind tends to be objective. I know I should work harder on my humanity, let's see how things go after few years :)

My favorite character is Christina Yang, if anyone of you watch Grey's Anatomy.


Mia Lim said...

Christina yang??


jm said...

LOL. you sound so mean.

btw, i receive are wonderful because .........
LOL. makes me flattered too

lezheng said...

of course christina! her character is quite tough and strong, i like it ehe

won't la won't la, never hate my friends one... (that means once i hate the person, won't consider the person as friend anyway)

Jeng Mun said...

you sound even mean-er by this statement XD

lezheng said...

that was english me, chinese me is quite nice ehe