"Good bye, take care," after taking a long time to think about it, seriously, I think this is the best. I'd not let you know it, everything, every detail seems totally nothing special... for the last time. And you'll not see me and hear me again.
This is the best ending I have ever thought. I'm not sure if you'll think of me for a moment (you know, sometimes when you are doing nothing, however I doubt the possibility), but surely I will.
When you realize it out of a sudden, I already disappear in your life. What I'm interested is, how long would you take to realize it?
wah so serious, true true, i gues won't be long la to notice you are gone, you got good friends and people knows you. more importantly what happens life after death?
life after death... wow haven't thought about it deeply, if my soul exists i think it would be around somebody to figure what's his/her deepest darkest secret... haha kidding!
found ur own true friend test.
its at ur week 18 blog. =p
wow this is so kind of you! i'll post it up.
i was jus using google search engine, and it didnt not take more than 5 mins to find ur fren test. =)
我更好奇的是,你在搬电脑的过程里,有没有想要买laptop的冲动? =p
今天的content analysis oral defence有惊无险!Reyes一看我们就说哦原来是你们这个risk taking group,因为我们的research我们多次找他谈,他都已经认得我们了咯……我刚开始都几紧张下,但当Reyes开始抛出问题后就开始定下来了(最后到Shawn presented时他竟然以"blah blah blah……"作结尾!吓到我!大家都笑倒了),第一题就跟我们预想的一模一样,大家都有答案只是没有人主动回答。结果Stephani指定Lai Ying回答。问题一个接一个,越来越接近我们的题目核心——性。问得仔细点大家都笑了,你想一想我们这一个Oral Defence应该是很严肃的,已经因为他们要弄清楚我们如何define “前戏”啊“露体”啊“性活动”这一些那么棒的terms,变得都几轻松下了。我们从学术的角度来谈性……我从来没想过会是这个局面!
原本只预算30分钟的Oral Defense,我们搞了40分钟才完。这是一个很好的经验,除了性之外他们都很仔细解释我们的content analysis的弱点,让我们学到更仔细。
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