一整个星期都在考虑要拿什么subjects。首先被Health Psychology的coursework烦到,要搞一个小型campaign,我连campaign是什么都没有概念,虽然这个term在之前用了十多年。然后Assessment Profiling的assignment是有oral defense这个环节的,我不太喜欢,虽然之前的oral defenses都很顺利渡过。Forensic Psychology虽然对大家来说可有可无,但我不排除以后会拿来做further study的可能性,而且是Ms Winnee教,相信很多人都不愿意放弃的。I/O Psychology不用说了,core subject一个,拿定。另外又有人想这个sem拿Thesis 1,我想我不会跟吧,下个sem才拿,因为这个sem如果有时间也可以一面做准备,找和读journals,然后下一个sem就可以少一点点负担。
原本我要放弃Health Psychology,这个sem只拿三科,因为我觉得我不会有时间去背Health的东西。这跟大部分人的决定相当不一样,很多人都宁愿放弃Assessment Profiling,因为这subject在下一个sem还会有得拿。我想无论有多少人跟我一样拿什么subject都不是问题,我只需要跟自己的意愿走就好了。于是我上网立即dropped了Health Psychology。
但是上了Ms Winnee的Forensic Psychology后我又决定要Health Psychology了,不要Assessment Profiling。因为Forensic Psychology没用上课本,也就是说我少一本课本来看了。那么既然已经少了一本课本来看,那么就有时间背Health Psychology的东西咯……后来在Amy他们的怂恿下,我又尝试拿Career Guidance这个subject,据说不会heavy。
于是晚上又去重拿Health Psychology,dropped Assessment Profiling,拿多一个Career Guidance。看看星期一能不能enroll到,那天就得交course fees了。
所以,如果以毕业的速度为优先考虑,我觉得根本就不需要想要不要少拿一个subject,凭自己的能力有多少拿多少,在long sem拿三个subjects只有像我这种在意成绩kiasu的人才做得出。没有两全其美的方法,除非你很厉害读书。
拿到thesis的题目了!大多数人都得到第一选择,可是Hui Yi却拿到第二选择,跟Dr. Ng擦身而过。叫到我的名字时我紧张到死,第一第二选择都不要紧,可是千万不要拿到第三选择以下呀,因为从第三选择开始的题目我都随便选的,根本没兴趣。如果拿到第一第二以外的题目我也不知道那是第几选择了,因为我根本不知道自己选了什么题目。
我赶紧看那封信,太好了,是第一选择,Wholistic Model of Mental-Health Illness,supervisor是Dr. Ng!是我100%有兴趣的题目,也是我很尊敬的supervisor,太好了哈哈!
另外,今天Mr. Franklin说了一句非常好玩的话,放上来分享:I aspire to inspire before I expired.
y teng here...
i always cannot log in with my name...... bo eng...
oh, career guidance... if you take tat course and got book then tell me wo... i plan to further in that feel... actually ho, career is better for you because it deal with fact and info. you do not have to talk a lot in the session. maybe psychologist is different with counselling la, but, career guidance is a good course anyway.
wish you score well for this sem la.... haha, i am the kiasu person as well... ask ask Didi whether he kiasu or not... if yes, then it might be inherit de...
aiya, not feel, is field...
Actually the career guidance in my course is not about guiding the others choosing their career, it's for guiding us (the course takers) to prepare ourselves for our career. The coursework is doing personality tests and writing resume (actually I had done all these things in my previous subjects before...), so it's not really interesting to me, and I admit that I have no strong passionate in this subject. It's just for me to get 1 credit hour in order to graduate without taking 1 more elective...
Since you're interested in this field, good for you! I still need to explore which field I want to further study. I'm looking forward to your coming back so we can talk more about this kind of things. Now the feeling is just like few years ago, when all of us gathered in Kok Wai's house discussing about which course to choose after getting STPM results, I still remember that night, I felt grateful to have you all at that moment.
我就是从5,6个subject以上走过来的 rf
不过是不同性质的东西 rf
y teng here...
i always grate to have u all...
anyway... i will be back soon, so that i can steal your notes and share experience with you, together-gather... haha...
the career guidance is like that de a... oic... i thought is for client de... ^_^ then, no need le... can choose other subject...
i took business for previous sem. now, i am taking account and management... acc quite interesting; management so boring... after i take the finance, i can open firm liao... haha...
grateful la... y i often miss some word de?...
is grateful... o_O
Now I know why does my school have Career Guidance subject, it's because LAN requires it! (No wonder it's free of charge)
How come LAN always come out with such things leh? Hahaha...
LAN => 烂 rf
Yii? How come never mention hello kidney and parent without s? =p
Not as classic as Mr. Franklin one mah...
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