Sunday, December 27, 2009

09 Week 53 - Young Dream




Sunday, December 20, 2009

09 Week 52 - If There's a Camel Up a Hill

Went to Cameron Highland, as one of my graduation trips. MeiSan, JengMun, and HuiYi were in my car, good enough to keep me awake along the long distance driving time. My car's radio was never turned on, as we kept talking from the beginning of the journey until the end. Mouth muscles were fully exercised. Actually I quite enjoyed the conversation. I remembered the most we talked about was relationships. We also laughed at each other's mandarin and cantonese pronunciations and some stupid stuffs, like the YouTube clip "Tuts My Barreh."

Walking on the cold and windy street at night was awesome, despite my mind was ruminating about my dirty jacket (I slipped on the tea garden and my jacket got some soil). Eating the warm potato balls while wandering in the night market was fun. Food smells were all around the street, if I hadn't eaten the steamboat dinner I'd like to buy BBQ chicken, more fried mushrooms, more potato balls, maybe one more slice of "Apam Balik"...

I sang "别让我站在风中 痴痴为你等" on the street. Simply wanted to sing this line, out of sudden. HuiYi called kp and asked me sang to him. And I did. We were too 38 but this was fun. Before falling asleep JengMun asked me taught her to sing that song, but I only managed to teach that line. So at that night, Ian, Mia, MeiSan, JengMun, and HuiYi's good night song was my "别让我站在风中 痴痴为你等," ehe...

The next morning, after having breakfast my car couldn't be opened, fortunately there was a workshop nearby my car. I asked the mechanic (I supposed) to check my car and he said that was because I didn't switch off the lights when I left my car. Another bad news was he left my car keys inside my car, which had been automatically locked off. The mechanic suggested to break my car window. I didn't like the idea at all, I believed there was another clean and smarter way to solve this problem. "Don't you have a master key?" I asked. But he said he lost the master key and the master key couldn't open my car, even if he had it. MeiSan called her brother and found that my car could be easily opened with wire. That sounds clean and smarter, and another mechanic arrived then cleverly opened my car with wire. Problem solved. And I was charged RM80 for that. My friends said I shouldn't have been charged that high, since we had nothing to do with the car key left inside the car. I did agree that was unreasonable, but since the problem had been solved and I could afford to pay it (and I had paid already), why let this affected my vacation mood? Anyway, next time I won't make this stupid mistake again.

If you want to go for vacation, never pick public holiday. There were too much of cars along the road. When I was trapped in the traffic jam, all I wished was the cars in front of me could just disappeared out of sudden. They might be kidnapped by aliens. I didn't care. Unfortunately it didn't happen. The cars were still blocking my way. I was blocking the cars behind me as well. We might hated each other. But I hated the buses the most because they polluted the air. I had to close my window while I was behind them.

Anyway, the best part was going to Boh Tea Farm. The time was around 6 p.m. and we still drove up there despite the visiting time had been over. No traffic jam. The air was fresh, clean, and cold. We could just stopped at the roadside and took photos. I finally got the vacation I dreamed of. When we reached the top hill, the weather was quite foggy. I suddenly wished to sing "A Foggy Day in London Town." The view was just beautiful. Peace like heaven. Although I had never been in heaven. It would be nice to have a high tea there, too bad we were too late to reach this place.

Driving down the hill was a bit scary. We saw nice views along the road, however when the day was getting darker and darker, I started to feel creepy. The road seemed endless, as if we would not reach the end. We could never leave this place. And I told them the cat village story, which I read from "1Q84." After I finished the story, HuiYi said she felt like we were in the cat village. Despite the creepy feeling, four of us still talked a lot and made noises. Eventually, by spending 1 hour and 30 minutes, we reached Tapah toll. We've successfully left the cat village ("I will hunt chu down~").

That's all folks :P

Friday, December 11, 2009

09 Week 51 - Stress

Thesis defense has been over about 2 weeks, however my thesis doesn't actually fully end. I told many people how I did awfully in the defense and how nice Dr. Ng and Dr. Lukman guided me in answering questions, but I never told the whole story. I have been hiding the best part of the session, which is, Dr. Lukman seemed to like my paper and she praised my work. Oh. I felt flattered. That was totally out of my expectation, as I thought I did badly in my thesis writing. She said she recommended Dr. Ng to publish my paper. For few seconds, I wondered whether I was dreaming. Oh no. Before I left, they told me I should consider taking postgraduate course. For first time ever, I really felt being looked up. Both Dr. Ng and Dr. Lukman, my good teachers, they might not have idea how meaningful what they said to me during the session. 

After the defense, I wrote a thank you email to Dr. Ng and Dr. Lukman. Dr. Ng replied and asked me to see her next month, because we will be working on refining my paper for publication and conference presentation (like the coming ARUPS conference). Oh my god. I really doubt whether I'm living in the reality. Anyway, I neither feel good nor excited. To be honest, I see very little value of my paper to be published and presented. Findings are hardly significant to the field. I'm not satisfied. If I'm going to publish a research, this is not what I want to show people. To be precise, I don't want to work on it anymore. I have no motivation to keep working on something which I am not happy/satisfied with. Actually, I rather start a new research. 

So I emailed Dr. Ng and Dr. Lukman again, asking them whether I could reject their suggestion. Dr. Lukman said it's up to me, just that I might have lost a good opportunity to learn more. Dr. Ng asked me to email her again next month, after taking a break. My concern is unresolved. All I want is just very simple: stop working on that paper, and conduct a more meaningful research which I'd be happy to work toward publication. Sounds stupid to you, right? Giving up a good opportunity to publish a journal, due to this kind of childish emotional reason. But I just want to tell you, I have my own standard and thoughts. I live with them. I always believe they lead me to what I really desire and value.

I didn't bring it up before because I was still thinking about that. When my mind was not occupied, automatically my mind would ruminate about "working toward publication and conference presentation... on that paper." How do I feel? What do I want? What should I do? Finally, I think in order to go back to my peaceful mind state, declining the suggestion is the best option. Feel less flattered. Feel better. Feel like "I'm doing what I'm supposed to do now."

Next month, hopefully I can fully settle this issue and continue enjoying my vacation :-)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

09 Week 50 - A History

昨晚,亲戚来访。大家聊天至深夜的时候,话题突然转向已故外公的房子。母亲有不少可怕的回忆都源自于那一间房子。偶尔会跟我们提起。有时听了之后,光是想象那情景就觉得不寒而栗。那是在沙登新村里面的一间屋子,算是挺大的一间老屋。屋身相当长。客厅地板是翡翠绿的青色,不过有细微而繁复的裂痕。不用心看不会察觉到,但我从小就对地板非常介意,所以无论如何还是会注意到。客厅过后就是一条长而宽的走廊。四间大房就分布在走廊的两侧,一侧两间房。就算一个人站在走廊中间张开双手,也离墙壁有一段距离。是非常宽阔的一条走廊。地板是深灰色的,大概是洋灰。只不过,任凭我如何回忆,地板的纹理无论如何还是无法被想起。走廊非常暗呢。走廊的尽头就是饭厅。因为有窗户的关系,饭厅比较光亮。可是地板的纹理开始显得复杂了。我不知道这些纹理和颜色是如何形成,但真的让我开始觉得不安。饭厅过后就是厨房,那是非常大的一间厨房呐,我个人一向对厨房怀有相当莫名其妙的好感,可是这一间绝对是例外喔。地板惨不忍睹地复杂。黄色红色褐色灰色不规则的线条纹理散乱地分布在地板上。我绝对无法不穿上鞋子而踏进去一步(也幸好那里有鞋子,因为那里的地板一向很湿)。再来,浴室和洗手间就整齐地排列在厨房的尾端,和厨房的地板相连。我从来没有用过这两个空间。洗澡可以回家才洗,厕所可以跑到对面阿姨的家上。无论如何,绝对不能靠近厨房的尾端。那里似乎散发着非常不祥的气息,让我绝对不允许自己接近。 这是天生的直觉。另外,房子确实存在楼上的楼层,而且那里也确实有房间,只不过从我有记忆以来,那里是没有人用了。被荒废式地废置了,就连楼梯也象征式地被封了。不过如果愿意,还是可以跑上去,毕竟不是被锁上,只是象征式地被关上了而已。楼梯的尾端是深渊般的黑暗呢。和厨房的尾端一样,打从第一眼看见楼梯,我就下定决心无论如何也不要上去。那里有着什么,这是直觉。昨晚听了母亲和亲戚的谈话后,我更是庆幸我拥有如此灵敏的直觉。






